The project has been created during the HackFIT contest. **Lack of transparency in the ways money flows from the government to private sector is a real issue.** HlidacStatu.cz provides a solution to this by collecting and publishing all the necessary information such as contracts between different institutions. This data can provide a lot of insight, but it's still very hard to look at a table full of numbers and understand how the money flows. We created an application which solves this by proving aggregated graphical visualization of the cash flow. Team: Antonín Vlček, David Duong , Filip Šmíd, Minh Trieu. We won the audience award **URL**: [https://flowguard.now.sh/](https://flowguard.now.sh/) **Technology**: Next.js, Node.js, React, Neo4j
transparency money flowiOS App EMA
A simple application created during 7-week mobile academy organized by Etnetera. It contains a list of every participant and holds their scores in a table. Upon clicking, it shows their profile. Everything is called through the Etnetera API to get the data. It validates the login and shows the loading screens when the loading is taking too long. It handles if the connection cannot be established during the data loading.
The application is designed in a non-strict version of MVVM.
To view the demo video, click here.
Date: October-November 2019
Technology: Swift
mvvm ios swift mobile devBanana Milkshake
The project was created during the HackKosice 2019. # Inspiration The vision was inspired mainly from our own experiences. We came to realize that in order for us to take a simple 30 min lunch-break we have to spent about an hour at work to compensate for an unaccounted 30 min with a good lunch costing around 4 euros in an ordinary restaurant. After asking around, people agreed on the same thought and we felt that we could help people by making such an application that could track this difference. The functionality was based on activity tracking applications, which we bent to our vision. ## Functionality Taking in your spendings and reevaluate them depending on your monthly/hourly income. Reevaluation output is an approximate amount of hours you would have to spend at work to compensate for your spendings. To make the application more uplifting you can record your past work time or set a real-time timer for the work you are about to do and by that gradually decrease the overall amount of hours. We hope this app brings an interesting view of how much time does a person have to spend at work in order to afford small expenses. It would make a person think twice before spending on small things. It would save you time and eventually money as well. ![](https://trieu.cz/storage/upload/projects/bm_noframe.jpg)
banana milkshake hackathonOnline Judger
An online judger created in Java Spring Boot which supports the creating problems to solve in programming language specified by the problem. The frontend is built on ThymeLeaf. As far as the register/login system is concerned, the Spring Boot Security is used to authenticate the users using the application.
The application contains an administration panel, where admins can create the problems. Each problem has a correct code and test cases which is then being compared with the user's code as a reference code with the test input.
Each user can view the finished problem and try to solve it by submitting a code. If the submission tested against all the test cases outputs the right answer as reference's code, then the green bar is light up for the given submission. On the other hand, the red bar shows up. A user can afterwards unlock the test input for the test case that his code couldn't process.
The application stores the reference code, the test cases and submissions as files so it doesn't slow down the SQL queries.
The application was created to try out the newly gained knowledge about Spring Boot and JavaEE so there is a lot of features to be improved and implemented.
Date: December 2018
Technology: Java, Spring Boot, MySQL, Hibernate, Docker, Bootstrap 4, JQuery
web online judgerZombie Survival
SA-MP game mode Zombie Survival which was created with a co-member from a clan. The website was then fully created to support the game as a control panel (the accounts from the game were connected to the website) and as a main page of the mode. People could chat, change teams, change nick and read all about the news and check the top players aswell. The gamemode was created in a scripting language Pawn, the website PHP. The website however doesn't work anymore and the source code was lost. Only the pic of the main page was preserved
Date: September 2016
Technology: Pawn, HTML, CSS, PHP, JQuery
web pawn gamemode sa-mpZmrzlina2AD
Zmrzlina2AD is a simple website with a simple administration of changing the text on the whole website and adding the subscribers of the icecreams. It contains a simple guestbook with a google captcha to prevent the spammers. The design was created by Jan Hrdina.
Because of the bad communication with the webhosting provider, the website cannot be further updated.
Date: 2015
Technology: HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript
web zmrzlina zmrzlina2ADVseSezeneme.cz
Website created for a friend which supported a simple e-shop with components for iPhones. The website also served as a blog site and a service for iPhone repairs. The website no longer exists and only one screen was preserved.
Date: August 2015
Technology: HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript
web iphone eshopObalynazakazku.cz
A simple website with a form for a non-binding order for an iPhone cover, which a customer can design himself with a user-friendly previewer which can be manipulated with. The website contains an administration panel where the owner can view all the orders and the pictures customers have made and positioned through the previewer.
URL: http://obalynazakazku.cz/
Date: July 2015
Technology: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP
iphone cover webBandmarket
A website built in Nette and designed with Bootstrap framework. We worked on this website with Adam Jirovský for about three four months. Users can register a band so the people, who are looking for a band, can hire them for their event. The website supports the flexible search with multiple criterias for the bands.
Date: April–July 2017
Technology: HTML, CSS, PHP, JQuery
web bands eventArpema
A responsive website built in Nette and designed with Bootstrap framework. It was created for a friend's father who's an architect working on his own. The website supports adding new buildings, art and advisory documents and viewing them aswell.
URL: http://arpema.cz/
Date: October 2015
Technology: HTML, CSS, PHP, JQuery
web architecture