RPS online

07.02.2019 / rps online icq web


What is RPS online?

RPS online was a java game developed by Redboss Games company founded in Czech Republic by Jan Rehab. The RPS stands for rock paper scissors but it wasn't just any simple game. It was catchy, fast-paced, easy and enjoyable. The UI, figures and animations were flawless not mentioning those funny sounds the game produced.

Taking the first steps

It was around summer exam period of 2017 when I surfed internet as usually and found out that ICQ became open-source. Suddenly, I remembered the good times when I played RPS online with my friends and it hit me – why not download and play it again? Unfortunately, Xtraz, which was the ICQ game centre, extracted and deleted all of its content two years ago so there's no way to play it anymore. I didn't want to give up on this thought just because of this stupid obstacle so I started to look up through the internet if by any chance there would be any way to obtain this gold game. About 30 minutes later I still haven't found anything. While I decided to give up, another idea popped up in my head and that was to try to replicate this game.

I started to program it shortly after and I used this opportunity to try a new technology – JS frameworks. At first I tried AngularJS and I covered pretty much a lot except for the fighting.

If you are interested in the progress of the prototype, here are a few screens:

Year 2018

I got busy with my bachelor's thesis and forgot about the project. It's now summer 2018 and I decided to give it one more try although it will be rewritten in a newer technology, which was an opportunity to learn new JS framework. Initially, I tried ReactJS but somehow I keep getting into some problems so I switched to Angular2. 

Year 2019–2020

Another two year passed and I keep losing track of this project. It is now completely rewritten in Angular2. The logic had to be rewritten because it was truly a mess in AngularJS. The backend in NodeJS was rewritten aswell and the project could move on! Great! However, I started to focus on other projects, work and school, so once again, it was forgotten in 2019. At the beginning of the 2020, I asked my friend Tomas Tran to do some assets for me. It took about 5 months because of his majestic laziness and he created truly amazing characters.


Here are the previews of the new applied characters to the game:

Date: December 2017–present

Technology: Angular8 (former framework used: AngularJS), Java (for the server-side), socket.io (for the communication), Fomantic-UI